went skating last night until almost 4am... and then finally retired to my room when i realized... i was skating for almost 7 hours and wasting my whole night thinking about bullshit. it sucks how much certain things eat at you, when you wish they wouldnt.. yet the things most would want to get to you, just dont.
i had some kids come up to... Read More
Hell yes we do. I've got to entertain J's ex-man this weekend, but what about the weekend after? Are you in town, can we do Fridays? I'll die if we don't do it this time!
this just in from the breaking news room...
...hot off the press....
i'm over it...
what possesses me to say such madness?
it's been a week since i befriended a few people... and i sat there beating myself up over it because i normally dont ditch out on people because everyone means something to me, in some way...
but there comes a time where... Read More
"he was something special, boy i tell you what, he was sure something special. too bad you werent special enough for him to stop and experience." (my favorite line from the coolest damn mob movie, evaaaah.)
what a weekend
some highlights of my fabulous/awful vacation:
1. we checked into our hotel at 12:15am, which checkin cuts off at 11pm.. therefore, our room went to the waiting list... i pitched a bitch and told them if they had to drive the drive we did coming in from las vegas, they would understand.. and i didnt know that every fuckin off-way on california... Read More
Sounds like you had fun. I was born and raised in the S.F. Bay Area. Lived there 22 years. It's pretty much fucked, just like everywhere else. I still miss it, though. Certain things about the culture you just take for granted when you live there. It's hard to swallow when you move away and realize it ain't like that every place else, and even the freaky people in your new home town think you're weird most the time.
im trying to make it through my day and hold back my tears. i didn't think losing him would make such an impact on me.. but it has. everything is different without him near me. i miss his meow... i miss everything.. and today, i held frank back's hand as he put down his cat Diablo. that man is amazing and we cried together for... Read More
now, i don't understand this... if I am sending a gift, to another state... to a friend... HOW COME IM CHARGED WITH FATHERS DAY PRICES. is that really necessary? you chummy buttholes. I spent more on the shipping, than I did on the gift, how great does that feel? I'll tell you when my head stops fuming. schmucks.
so randomly... i get home from running this morning.. and josephine is asleep, in my bed
how weird is that? looks like the woman knows a thing or two about breaking and entering. if she didn't look so cute sleeping under my covers, i would've drug her out and thrown her butt in the pool. PIRATES!
anyways, i need to clear my head..the past 24... Read More