Being unemployed isnt as bad as i thought, on the plus side i have tons of free time. Ive been 'clean' for about 3 weeks now so i guess its safe to look for another job.
How very sad..... I just got a call from my work, and im FIRED!
this sucks
this sucks

oouuuuccchhhh. i wish i were so lucky to get a call like that 

ya know .. about the classes thing? DEFINITELY don't know. but i hope it's true 

I heard from somewhere that a dragonfly is a sign of lost childern.... today i saw 2.
I have a new job, i started last friday. Much better than my old job and pays more. Its funny because 3 of us quit at the same time, it was that horible. This new job kicks ass, i only work mon-fri. So now i have weekends off....
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I have a new job, i started last friday. Much better than my old job and pays more. Its funny because 3 of us quit at the same time, it was that horible. This new job kicks ass, i only work mon-fri. So now i have weekends off....
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thank you for commenting on my set. much love and dont be a stranger we should hang out one day soon
AFI, eh. Yes, yes they did... but I didnt see them.
Which actually kinda sucks cuz theyre cool.

i promised you a copy of this and i have been slacking. but it was a pleasure meeting you.

i promised you a copy of this and i have been slacking. but it was a pleasure meeting you.
i just got my Circa Survive tickets for the July 27th show.... Anyone going?
Feel free to introduce yourself if you see me tomorrow. i think the huge tattoo on my back that says jersey is a dead give away it is me or even the big angel on my shoulder. but i now have pink, purple, black and blande hair and i will have a camrea in hand all day.
it was great meeting you today
bbuuuuuutttt .. need anyone done off ;D?