I've been thinking a lot about this. Okay, I haven't - but my passing thoughts have led me to think that I'm done here. My account expires at the end of December and I think that'll be that - I hardly post to my normal blog, and with flickr I just don't see why I'd stay. I've met some great people and hope to stay...
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That's right my lovlies - two updates in less than 24 hours...
I had a strange thing happen today. Last week I went to the bank and swore I saw the father of two girls I dated back in the day (yes, sisters. no, sister-sandwich). After following him around for a minute or two I realized that it wasn't him. Today, on my way into...
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I had a strange thing happen today. Last week I went to the bank and swore I saw the father of two girls I dated back in the day (yes, sisters. no, sister-sandwich). After following him around for a minute or two I realized that it wasn't him. Today, on my way into...
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heh. good one. sister sandwich. were you the baloney?

oh, i thought you already looked old and tired...

Friday was great - then it got weird. Weird like you would. not. be. lieve. I'm staying in tonight until I absolutely have to go out - which is about 2am. And then, I'll wear a hood.
hehe, funny thing happened right after I sent you off that email last night:
lalala, I was strolling through your friend Splorp's photos on Flickr (awesome stuff, btw) after I noticed that he had faved one of my pics, and who do I come across in all his "fat & constipated" glory?
... hehe... I had to laugh out loud at your comment on that one - hilarious. I bet that was the last pic of you that you would want someone to see your mug in for the first time.
But, geez, even that one is a cropped face... I am totally convinced now that there is some kind of unspoken law of nature/existance where it states that a full face photo of the Slowtron is impossible to take. I very well plan to break that law next weekend over and over again with my camera
enjoy your weekend, 'sa!
lalala, I was strolling through your friend Splorp's photos on Flickr (awesome stuff, btw) after I noticed that he had faved one of my pics, and who do I come across in all his "fat & constipated" glory?

But, geez, even that one is a cropped face... I am totally convinced now that there is some kind of unspoken law of nature/existance where it states that a full face photo of the Slowtron is impossible to take. I very well plan to break that law next weekend over and over again with my camera

enjoy your weekend, 'sa!
update! UPDATE!
think. type. submit.
think. type. submit.
Fuck. I'm sick and all I want to do is sleep but I just can't.
did you try 'sleepy time tea"?

did you try 'sleepy time tea"?
again? bah. you need to read voyage of the dawn treader.
What the?!! Is Amelie a sorceress or something? Check out those tats and the phrase "I shoot magic missles!" comes to mind. Uberllama's fascination with D&D is starting to make sense - I never knew D&D fans could actually be attractive. A moment whilst I gather my minion... LOL
I'm an ass. I know this.
I'm an ass. I know this.
damn it, now i have the shampoo bottle scene stuck in my head again.
thanks...... bitch
thanks...... bitch

so your goal is to leave me with traumatizing thoughts that will scar me for life?
you`re the best.
you`re the best.

Life continues to throw interesting curveballs my way... this time it's been a string of goodness that I am, quite frankly, a little unprepared for. Somethings, however, are simply too good to let pass by and this easily qualifies.
you never need be prepared for the good things. It's what we live for. no?
Start Rant:
Is it possible that I'm getting bored of tattoo'd chick softcore porn? I think it is. I agree with gypsygrrrls recent rant on young-uns (there are, I think, exceptions). But really, I like "women" - you know, the ones who have lived a little and have a scar or two to show for it. I was happy today to see a...
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Is it possible that I'm getting bored of tattoo'd chick softcore porn? I think it is. I agree with gypsygrrrls recent rant on young-uns (there are, I think, exceptions). But really, I like "women" - you know, the ones who have lived a little and have a scar or two to show for it. I was happy today to see a...
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which set was that? mle?
Anyways, movin' right along...
now that's what I call SLOWTRON... (the things one finds on the net when one is looking up pix of transformers to use in a photoshop-morphing-quicky, not unlike the one I whipped up at 5am today for your llama friend... you see where I was originally going with this - i didn't want you to feel left out).
yes, I have time on my hands these days with the new part-time gig securing an partial income for me every two weeks.. la-di-da... oh ya, and I have no friggin social life

now that's what I call SLOWTRON... (the things one finds on the net when one is looking up pix of transformers to use in a photoshop-morphing-quicky, not unlike the one I whipped up at 5am today for your llama friend... you see where I was originally going with this - i didn't want you to feel left out).
yes, I have time on my hands these days with the new part-time gig securing an partial income for me every two weeks.. la-di-da... oh ya, and I have no friggin social life

You have no style.
I was unaware that I should be concerned about posturing... I'll keep it in mind for the next time I give a fuck. Oh, back to happy now...
No really though, I understand the aesthetics of cool and how attractive it can be when it's inherently displayed in the confidence of someone. But don't *try* to be cool - in fact I think trying to...
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No really though, I understand the aesthetics of cool and how attractive it can be when it's inherently displayed in the confidence of someone. But don't *try* to be cool - in fact I think trying to...
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cool is just THERE, no trying involved.
Well, well, well. Get your ass there tomorrow and don't ask any questions, k?
blah - feel free to kick me in the nuts.
[Edited on Sep 29, 2005 2:08PM]
[Edited on Sep 29, 2005 2:08PM]
oh - just thought of something - snowboarding! should I bring my board? will it be too early for boarding? (I'm still a beginner, btw)
Sometimes I look at the blank canvas of this little blog and really, really want to write something about the fabulously interesting life I lead. Then I realize that there is either nothing interesting to write about or the stuff that is interesting is really not meant for public consumption. Today it is both.
Tonight is boys night. That means Uberllama is going to hook...
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Tonight is boys night. That means Uberllama is going to hook...
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this one is pretty close i think

i think we should combine plan A and plan B to make a super plan.