and i'm still awake at 5:30 am.
i mean, how can you sleep when it's SNOWING?!
i will need to find my sled in the morning.

and i'm still awake at 5:30 am.
i mean, how can you sleep when it's SNOWING?!
i will need to find my sled in the morning.

but as for what you said...thanks. it makes sense. and made me feel better. i guess i watch those band videos and see how some band members (not all) can act like such man whores and i don't want josh to fall victim to that. i guess we'll just have to wait and see. we had a talk about it and at first he got the impression that i was asking him to quit the band or something. i could never do that. but we discusses the same things we've discussed in the past. if only there were some way to make me a totally trusting person. oh well.
thanks again.