i need more time to check this out!!!!!!!!!!
help, i'm so lost......
when will i get time to check all of sg out?
i'm back......i was stuck between lost and found?so busy.......soon it will be time to let the games begin!!!!
well hello. welcome back.

thats diamond on the left. she is one and ahalf years old.holloween baby.she is very little and so quite!!!if she has puppies,will they be diamond chips?todays thoughtis:if you want something bad enough you will get it,if you don't,you really did'nt want it that bad.
i'm back,atleast i think i'm back.now if i could just figure out where i've been?

i miss home and diamond, she is so cool
dam lost up date two times
got great deal on samari swords and paratrooper-switchblades[you would be amazed what falls of trucks! everything in the world
gave all my cash to a homeless guy[or it seemed]250 bucs.the look on his face was priceless......the atm is close. i feel good...i will sleep good and knowbody died....

i really hate watching people die in their cars.makes me feel so helpless.especaily kids.i know it will never end......

my messenger is all queered up and im sleepy pants... worked tonight and it just about killed me... when i straighten out the program, i sweeeeeear ill do it...
your funny

another scary day!!!been up for 2 days driving.going threw chicago.can't pay attention....falling a sleep at wheel....death and destruction is eminent, i'm in a semi-truck!!! not as scary as last week!droping off moutin top, hit black ice at 60 miles per hour,out of control skid for 2 miles!!! the more i tried to stop, the more the trailor slid.the hill made me go faster and faster...
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this is going to be a crazy year