I haven't posted in a while, but I think that's okay because no one really reads the shit I post. I'm not complaining or fishing for attention by saying that, it's just a fact. It doesn't bother me at all. I post these for myself, so I couldn't possibly care less if anyone reads these.
Anyhow, I've got hot flashes, chills, and night sweats. I've also got mood swings (inexplicable crying spells, anyone?), sleep problems, headache, memory issues, dizziness, problems concentrating, back pain, and sore and stuff joints. I also don't menstruate, nor am I able to get pregnant, but that I think we can safely disregard.
On top of the those menopause symptoms, I also have hallucinations, brain shivers (which feel like electrical current running through my brain), nausea, other alimentary distress, DTs, and general malaise.
Effexor withdrawal sucks.