Thursday Dec 21, 2006 Dec 20, 2006 0 Facebook Tweet Email My sis says I have a case of Second Wife Sydrome (Raise the Red Lantern). VIEW 13 of 13 COMMENTS stella_marie: ps - that pig picture was before she got the nose job oh snap!!!!! i should have gotten you this for your birthday Dec 21, 2006 writersareliars: Heart of a scorpion, huh? Doesn't that hurt? What kind of sisterly comment is that! *wikis Raise the Red Lantern* And here I was thinking that guy only did martial arts films. Shows what I know. *adds film to rental list* Whoa, a Maori quote, and used appropriately as well! You get a cookie! (and a friend's request - because I am cheeky like that) Dec 21, 2006
oh snap!!!!!
i should have gotten you this for your birthday
*wikis Raise the Red Lantern* And here I was thinking that guy only did martial arts films. Shows what I know. *adds film to rental list*
Whoa, a Maori quote, and used appropriately as well! You get a cookie! (and a friend's request - because I am cheeky like that)