Not much to say today, other than that I just threw one of the most pitiful rounds of darts ever. I could barely hit the board, it was that bad. Must have been because I was dead sober. The beer I had with dinner just didn't last.
Oh well. Tomorrow night is when the real weekend partying starts for me anyway, so I'm sure I'll play better this weekend.
Besides, foosball is my game of choice anyway. Out of practice, but I still whomped everybody I played with last weekend. I need to buy a table I think.
Oh well. Tomorrow night is when the real weekend partying starts for me anyway, so I'm sure I'll play better this weekend.
Besides, foosball is my game of choice anyway. Out of practice, but I still whomped everybody I played with last weekend. I need to buy a table I think.

Foosball is my game of choice as well. We must play some time.