Holy Mackrel, its been a hell of a long time since i have posted a journal. Theres no real reason just couldnt be bothered.
Well whats going on in the land of miss Slithers. Not a great deal in the way of juicy gossip about my love life for the simple reason it doesn't exist!
I'm actually starting to worry i have been cursed.
Everything else besides my love life is moving along wonderfully, couldnt be more happy with the last 4 or 5 week of my life!
I have very very special
friends. I love my Josie and Sare!!!!!!! and our fucking retarded adventures to club 299, which usually consists of me going hard out on the beverages getting completely drunk and dancing in the most unacceptable way, Josie also getting very drunk and egging me on to do my terrible dancing which she joins in on ( we like to mime the songs) and Sare sitting there going " yep your so going to get laid with those moves Rach" We also like to laugh at Sare when she's off in her own little world standing completely alone doing little dance moves with a ten metre radius around her. When she's not doing that you can find her hanging out under the pool tables hhaha. You could probably say we are the regular alchos there. Tomorrow night is Silverstein megally excited, the 3 of us snow eating jewish sandel loving girls will be out at it again!!!!! And Friday night is going to be huge!!!!!!!!!!! I have no doubt i will end up
my guts out. So this is my plans for friday night! Silverstein again with the lovely Josie while Sare is watching her super incredible dancing boyfriends band play then after the gigs we once again join arms of the hermit crew and head to 299 for more pool table dwelling and beverage consumption. Where we will dance like crazy pop stars to all our favourite tunes with the possible "i'm going to be sick" break. That is where we will stay till we get thrown out on to the streets at 6. From there we are doing the valley markets drunk! i have no doubt i will get ripped off and go home thinking what the fuck am i meant to do with this peice of shit. it will sit in the hall of drunken rachel fame! Well i will leave you with some hot pics of my times since the last update! love you guys heaps!!!!!!! xxx

Well whats going on in the land of miss Slithers. Not a great deal in the way of juicy gossip about my love life for the simple reason it doesn't exist!

Everything else besides my love life is moving along wonderfully, couldnt be more happy with the last 4 or 5 week of my life!

i'll see if i can drag the crew out on friday.. hopefully i'll see you there!
fucking wierd.. lol