Well what a fucked up day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Had a great day planned to go to the zoo. DIDNT HAPPEN!!!!!!!!! No my cat skippy decided it was his turn to injury himself and be taken to the vets!
I woke up this morning and his foot and leg was completely swollen and dripping out puss. I thought he'd been hit by a car. Well turns out the extent of the wound was far worse then i thought and the vet first thought. He thought i was just a cat fight absess at first till he bathed it.
he bathed it and huge chunks of skin started falling off here he is going woowww this is awesome!!!! and heres me *(that helps with animal injuries everyday) just woken up from a big night drinking and no food in my stomach going "no no no i have to get out of here, you'll have to get a nurse" i guess its different when its your own animal! i nearly fainted i have never seen such a gross thing in my life. Any way the vet then concluded it was a bite from a white tail spider which is a none cause of necrotising arachnidism which is basically the rotting and dying of skin, cells and tissue caused from some spider bites. So 300 dollars later hes at home with a bright orange cast ( they thought they would colour code him) with two massive open wounds under it that go down to the bone
He better not rip it off cause i will run away haha. he goes back tomorrow to consult with other vets on a plan of attack in case it keeps rotting. So i may end up with a 3 legged cat or a dead one.
This is him poor baby so high on methodone YES methodone as in the human answer to beating herion addiction.
PS I THINK IM IN LOVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I woke up this morning and his foot and leg was completely swollen and dripping out puss. I thought he'd been hit by a car. Well turns out the extent of the wound was far worse then i thought and the vet first thought. He thought i was just a cat fight absess at first till he bathed it.

This is him poor baby so high on methodone YES methodone as in the human answer to beating herion addiction.
PS I THINK IM IN LOVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How's he doing??
Hope you can save his leg
In love, I hear you say?????