NEVER and i repeat NEVER buy a Hatchling (baby snake) from interstate unless you have seen it eating! I am so pissed off i mean my new baby is beautiful and i love her but i was reassured she was eating. I have had her for about 4 weeks now and still no go! I tried feeding her on the second day i got her and she didnt eat (she was scared of it) i thought fair enough she's had a plane trip and new environment. its now week four and still i am force feeding it. i hope it eats soon cause theres no way i am force feeding a 9 foot carpet python haha.
NEVER and i repeat NEVER buy a Hatchling (baby snake) from interstate unless you have seen it eating! I am so pissed off i mean my new baby is beautiful and i love her but i was reassured she was eating. I have had her for about 4 weeks now and still no go! I tried feeding her on the second day i got her and she didnt eat (she was scared of it) i thought fair enough she's had a plane trip and new environment. its now week four and still i am force feeding it. i hope it eats soon cause theres no way i am force feeding a 9 foot carpet python haha.
I just got into Brisbane this afternoon and am just kinda pissin around lookin for people in the area... Ill be here for a while so get in touch okay?????