ahah life is so weird sometimes ! we just broke with my boyfriend well now... my ex
he gave me excuses that its his fault that hes not well lately and wouldt tell me through phone. hell no i dont want to see someone for a bad news. excuse me, it's like abusing to me this feeling. he told me i was in love with you, im sorry etc i need to be alone for awhile buuut we can stay friends. WHAT? FRIENDS? what the fuck.
Seriously if a man is in here, normally if you said u were in love with ur girlfriend you would go beyond the probs, and to say friends? if you like someone you let a gate open, a chance. but please stay friends its a shame seriously. to me, when its over its over... who wants to a kind person and live with me uh? raise your hand ! thanks.
he gave me excuses that its his fault that hes not well lately and wouldt tell me through phone. hell no i dont want to see someone for a bad news. excuse me, it's like abusing to me this feeling. he told me i was in love with you, im sorry etc i need to be alone for awhile buuut we can stay friends. WHAT? FRIENDS? what the fuck.
Seriously if a man is in here, normally if you said u were in love with ur girlfriend you would go beyond the probs, and to say friends? if you like someone you let a gate open, a chance. but please stay friends its a shame seriously. to me, when its over its over... who wants to a kind person and live with me uh? raise your hand ! thanks.
arf, c'est dommage que a soit fini ; nanmoins je trouve que c'est mieux de rester amis que se disputer et ne plus se voir
de mon ct, a va bien avec ma chrie, j'adore la voir sourire ou me taquiner, et quand tu dis que je suis croc d'elle l'expression est vraiment bien choisie car j'adore lui mordre (doucement) la tte
allez, j'espre que tu ne vas pas tre dmoralise pour autant et que tu sauras aller de l'avant
allez zou, j'suis sr que tu as plein de prtendants, il faut maintenant en choisir un qui mrite d'tre l'heureux lu

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