Wow. **kicks the victrola and bobby derrin starts playing** And they call it...puppy looooooooove. ;-) In all seriousness, don't sweat it. Everyone thinks they know everything about relationships, but in fact, I am 100% sure that it's different for everyone. Opposites, schmoposites. Being into different things only means that you can expose each other (not that way...yet) to new things. If everybody was alike and into the same things....I'd shoot myself.
haha...It's a good thing you couldn't make it, because neither could I! I kind of got stranded at another friend's house, and didn't really feel like walking to the Corner Cafe in the cold.
It's cool. I really want to go hang out at 123 sometime soon. Perhaps next weekend. I'll let you know what is happening!
It's cool. I really want to go hang out at 123 sometime soon. Perhaps next weekend. I'll let you know what is happening!