started off bad... got up late... and worked all day
but about halfway through my day got the word from my girl on what she wanted to do after i was finished with work... she wanted to go to hooters and see knocked up
i was excited as fuck and had a smile on my face the rest of the day
ran to hooters after work... had a couple coronas, buffalo shrimp (amazing btw) and then 10 wings! fucking yummy
then went over to the movies... grabbed a icee... and played a racing game with rebecca b4 the movie lol... beat her first one... then ummm let her win the second
mk she beat me
the movie was fucking hilarious! you must see it! kinda gross at the end... but still fucking funny as all hell!
then came home... cuddled for a bit... watched some of the mask and some of rocky lol
she just left and i already miss her
sucks shes going home this weekend on thurs...
sorry havnt been on here much lately guys... lifes been busy... and when i do get free time im trying to make the most of it... been working out alot... seeing my girl whenever i get the chance... and trying the more productive route in life... lol trying to get off the computer and accomplish a thing or two! i know ... crazy!!! lol
<3 me
started off bad... got up late... and worked all day
but about halfway through my day got the word from my girl on what she wanted to do after i was finished with work... she wanted to go to hooters and see knocked up
i was excited as fuck and had a smile on my face the rest of the day
ran to hooters after work... had a couple coronas, buffalo shrimp (amazing btw) and then 10 wings! fucking yummy
then went over to the movies... grabbed a icee... and played a racing game with rebecca b4 the movie lol... beat her first one... then ummm let her win the second

the movie was fucking hilarious! you must see it! kinda gross at the end... but still fucking funny as all hell!
then came home... cuddled for a bit... watched some of the mask and some of rocky lol
she just left and i already miss her

sorry havnt been on here much lately guys... lifes been busy... and when i do get free time im trying to make the most of it... been working out alot... seeing my girl whenever i get the chance... and trying the more productive route in life... lol trying to get off the computer and accomplish a thing or two! i know ... crazy!!! lol
<3 me
Good to know that productivity is working for you! I really need to get up off my arse