ive started werking out again, and its quelled my sex drive (thank GAWD!)
i wonder if i can gain more than ten pouds of muscle before next school year.
then id be 140 pounds of raw seel. intimiadating huh???
i feel hot, being physicly able and competant in a few things is all i need to feel confident and sexy.
wrestlmania was last night i cooked for 12 people. its was fun and it went well, and everyone got really drunk.
i lost my keys on firday cuz i was drunk (eep)
my new crush is brock lesnar (wrestler) he is ginormaous nad very agile.
i thnk about two things wen i werk out:
#1-> how much i want to do me now that i have muscles
#2-> ring of fire street fight tournament
i wonder if i can gain more than ten pouds of muscle before next school year.
then id be 140 pounds of raw seel. intimiadating huh???
i feel hot, being physicly able and competant in a few things is all i need to feel confident and sexy.
wrestlmania was last night i cooked for 12 people. its was fun and it went well, and everyone got really drunk.
i lost my keys on firday cuz i was drunk (eep)
my new crush is brock lesnar (wrestler) he is ginormaous nad very agile.
i thnk about two things wen i werk out:
#1-> how much i want to do me now that i have muscles
#2-> ring of fire street fight tournament
missin yo ass.