finished film set now im in filly with my firend annie, where talkin about stuff, i went ot the phillidelphia flower conferance thing, it was cool, i may got to jail weekend , dont ask ill be having fun. and stuff thigns are good, and im hungruy. ill chek in later. fillthy rich send me a link to racheles poster i wanan see it!!!!
god i ve been o busy i hardly go home and everyones internet is down damnit!!!!!!!
oh yeah and im starting martial arts training and werking out becuas ive decidie not to have sex for a while . that energuy has got to go somewhere
god i ve been o busy i hardly go home and everyones internet is down damnit!!!!!!!

oh yeah and im starting martial arts training and werking out becuas ive decidie not to have sex for a while . that energuy has got to go somewhere

there you go slimetime hey when are u gettin back? i'm still working on your piecethe only reason i havent sent you a copy yet is its not perfect yet. anyway hope to see you soon