Well, I've been a member for 5 years now. It's hard to pin point the first one specifically being that it's been awhile and there's so many amazing girls. I'd firstly like to quickly say that before I joined I saw a photo that had a bunch of girls on it and the name I remember first was @wolf the blue hair stood out to me and I like wolves.
In terms of girls I "fell in love with" I will share a few that stood out to me early on and are among or if not are the first I followed.
@riae is a queen!
@bruna is breathtakingly beautiful
@coralinne I think if you google search pretty, gorgeous etc, it should just be a picture of her! Her beauty is unreal!
That's my thoughts and recollections of early days for me! Thanks for reading if you have done so, hope you enjoyed!
@missy @rambo @eirenne