Haven't been tagged but figured I'd do the questions blog going around if anyone was interested.
1. What food do you crave most often?
Lately it's been Toasted Sandwhiches!
2. Can you swim?
I used to swim a lot when I was younger, I still can but not as well now probably.
3. Can you whistle?
Yes, not the fancy fingers in the mouth loud way but regularly.
4. Home on a mountain or beach?
Hmm, tough one. I can snowboard and it would be cool to do that regularly but I don't like the cold so narrowly, the beach.
5. Hot dogs or Hamburgers?
Hamburgers all day!
6. Shower or Tub?
Uhm, would say shower as I haven't had a tub in my residence for a good few years. A nice soak from time to time is always good
7. How many tvs are in your house?
Two but only one is plugged in currently.
8. Do you own a gun?
No I don't.
9. Favourite food?
Maybe some good italian!
10. Favourite hobbies?
Gaming, skateboarding, poker as of recent months.
11. Favourite time of the year?
Generally summer.
12. Favourite drink in the morning?
Water, I don't drink any hot drinks really.
13. Favourite outdoor activities?
Skateboarding would be the biggest and mainly the only one outdoors I do currently.
14. Three favourite drinks?
Water, Bourbon and coke and Monster Energy drinks.
15. Three things I love?
Music, family and Internet :P
16. Do I have a crush?
Not any in real life but a bunch on suicide girls. I could list 10-20 amazing girls here!
17. Four turn ons?
Confidence in them self, loyal, eyes and smile
18. Four turn offs?
Ignorance, bad hugs (they do exist), arrogance, can't think of a 4th on the spot.
19. How do I feel right now?
Reasonably chill, I have still been working in an essential service so life has been fairly normal still.
20. Current relationship status?
Single forever hahaha