A lesson about men.... *smirks*
..on Pavlov and men
So my girlfriend and her fiance are up the other day and we're flipping through my CDs to find something to put on, I pull out Ministry to add to the collection and she says No, J really hates them. I raise the ever questioning brow and she says "Yeah, I know, it sucks, I can only play it when he's out. I shake my head at her, my silly girl friend and I give her the advice of the century and a little insight on the
mysteries of men...... yes I know, that's an oxymoron..
"L" I say to her... "men react to the Pavolvian Theory as well, if you give them something to salivate over, they will and they'll have associations with it....next time you're about to have earth shattering sex, put it on the cd player. When he complains, tell him you hardly play it and you're in the mood this time, he'll relent. Then move with the cd, let him feel you GET INTO IT... then when you're doing things to HIM, moan a lot and do it better than you have, breaking now and then to whisper 'God I love this song'... then when it's all done, tell him that was the best sex you and him have had yet...."
She called me last night... seems the night before when they went to bed, HE put Ministry on.... smirks n winks....

..on Pavlov and men
So my girlfriend and her fiance are up the other day and we're flipping through my CDs to find something to put on, I pull out Ministry to add to the collection and she says No, J really hates them. I raise the ever questioning brow and she says "Yeah, I know, it sucks, I can only play it when he's out. I shake my head at her, my silly girl friend and I give her the advice of the century and a little insight on the
mysteries of men...... yes I know, that's an oxymoron..
"L" I say to her... "men react to the Pavolvian Theory as well, if you give them something to salivate over, they will and they'll have associations with it....next time you're about to have earth shattering sex, put it on the cd player. When he complains, tell him you hardly play it and you're in the mood this time, he'll relent. Then move with the cd, let him feel you GET INTO IT... then when you're doing things to HIM, moan a lot and do it better than you have, breaking now and then to whisper 'God I love this song'... then when it's all done, tell him that was the best sex you and him have had yet...."
She called me last night... seems the night before when they went to bed, HE put Ministry on.... smirks n winks....

welcome to sg!
[Edited on May 04, 2006 7:28AM]