question: what is your take on the evolutionary significance of wisdom teeth? are jaws have shortened? they are "back up" teeth for adults? is it true that more people don't have them? there's no longer the selection pressure for it. course there's no selection against it...why say you o wise learned one?
yes, i'm talking to you!
of course i questioned the dentist, too. i always ask questions.
*says all this whilst undressing and putting on flimsy robe in preparation for tooth exam...* !!!
question: what is your take on the evolutionary significance of wisdom teeth? are jaws have shortened? they are "back up" teeth for adults? is it true that more people don't have them? there's no longer the selection pressure for it. course there's no selection against it...why say you o wise learned one?
yes, i'm talking to you!
of course i questioned the dentist, too. i always ask questions.
*says all this whilst undressing and putting on flimsy robe in preparation for tooth exam...* !!!