LBJ's the president, making the first of his Vietnam missteps. Years later people will forget it was the sainted JFK and his ill-qualified understudy that got the US in, and Nixon that got the US out.
Okay, so I wasn't THAT politically engaged between the ages of 3 and 5. What really seemed important was watching AstroBoy and FireBall XL-5 on TV, licking cake batter from the bowl and Saturday morning grocery shopping with my brother and dad.
I had a girlfriend, of course. Didn't we all at that age, when gender differences were an innocent curiousity and not this complicated, consuming obsession? Nancy was the coolest: she'd throw worms at the other kids with me, climb trees without fear and never, ever want to play house or tea party.
In those days, parents could let their little boys and girls out to play for an afteroon without fear of abduction and worse. Then again, we had neighbors with bomb shelters and kindergarten air raid drills. Walking single file, holding hands -to the school boiler room. Just another activity, like nap time.
My parents brought home a sweet Boxer puppy. Isn't it astounding how even a puppy knows to treat little children so differently from grownups?
Best memories of toys: LEGO, Tinker Toys, ErectorSet and those little balsa wood gliders. Favorite food: spaghetti, of course.
LBJ's the president, making the first of his Vietnam missteps. Years later people will forget it was the sainted JFK and his ill-qualified understudy that got the US in, and Nixon that got the US out.
Okay, so I wasn't THAT politically engaged between the ages of 3 and 5. What really seemed important was watching AstroBoy and FireBall XL-5 on TV, licking cake batter from the bowl and Saturday morning grocery shopping with my brother and dad.
I had a girlfriend, of course. Didn't we all at that age, when gender differences were an innocent curiousity and not this complicated, consuming obsession? Nancy was the coolest: she'd throw worms at the other kids with me, climb trees without fear and never, ever want to play house or tea party.
In those days, parents could let their little boys and girls out to play for an afteroon without fear of abduction and worse. Then again, we had neighbors with bomb shelters and kindergarten air raid drills. Walking single file, holding hands -to the school boiler room. Just another activity, like nap time.
My parents brought home a sweet Boxer puppy. Isn't it astounding how even a puppy knows to treat little children so differently from grownups?
Best memories of toys: LEGO, Tinker Toys, ErectorSet and those little balsa wood gliders. Favorite food: spaghetti, of course.
Ahhhh...all is right with the world again...as right as it gets that is. You won't see me falling for this whole name change thing, not unless I decide to hide out or something. Hmmm, I think that MaxwellHauser has a nice ring to it......
yo stranger! the puppy thing is astounding. my cats are that way with e, very different than they are even with me. very tolerant. hope you are well...