*best captain kirk voice* you're a doctor, jim, NOT a bricklayer!! haha
you are so lame with the journal-a-thon! and for the record, goddammit, my engine blew NOT because i neglected to put the necessary fluids in it BUT because the power steering went out and i had 5 minutes to pick up elijah a few miles down the road and in most cars the power steering has its own belt and you can still drive the car without killing your engine but NO in the jetta the same belt that controls the power steering also powers the water pump so it overheated to hell and NO i wasn't looking at the temperature gauge cuz why the hell would i and some assholes were tailgating me so i was looking in the rearview mirror giving them the hairy eyeball when suddenly they backed off real quicklike so i looked around for a cop but instead saw steam pouring out of my car. the end. so don't gimme no shit! i am not a dumb, car-stupid female!! but had i known the peculiar engineering of my farfanugen it might have been different...now update this journal dammit!
you are so lame with the journal-a-thon! and for the record, goddammit, my engine blew NOT because i neglected to put the necessary fluids in it BUT because the power steering went out and i had 5 minutes to pick up elijah a few miles down the road and in most cars the power steering has its own belt and you can still drive the car without killing your engine but NO in the jetta the same belt that controls the power steering also powers the water pump so it overheated to hell and NO i wasn't looking at the temperature gauge cuz why the hell would i and some assholes were tailgating me so i was looking in the rearview mirror giving them the hairy eyeball when suddenly they backed off real quicklike so i looked around for a cop but instead saw steam pouring out of my car. the end. so don't gimme no shit! i am not a dumb, car-stupid female!! but had i known the peculiar engineering of my farfanugen it might have been different...now update this journal dammit!