Sunday Jul 13, 2003 Jul 13, 2003 0 Facebook Tweet Email A very special thanks to MisterSatan, evidently my only SG friend. (And that's not just a plea for attention ) VIEW 10 of 10 COMMENTS whiskey_____: *cough* what the hell are you talking about? *as mint chocolate chip ice cream drips down onto the keyboard* Jul 19, 2003 mistersatan: Well, not EVERY room... And yeah, I'm still up for it. BTW, when are you gonna apply for SGSeattle? You know who runs it now? Jul 20, 2003
what the hell are you talking about?
*as mint chocolate chip ice cream drips down onto the keyboard*
And yeah, I'm still up for it. BTW, when are you gonna apply for SGSeattle? You know who runs it now?