Of course, I'm still unclear on the 'friends' concept. But having it - them - you - visualized in front of me, it's making me think I have some man-issues. I need some chicks. I need to go trolling for chicks. This site is a veritable treasure trove of chicks, and I've got nothing.
But it's weird. I feel like a collector, when I really just want to be able to find you (all) again. Cause you're fascinating. A field of enigmatic, blurry voices out there. In some cases, voicemails.
But it's weird. I feel like a collector, when I really just want to be able to find you (all) again. Cause you're fascinating. A field of enigmatic, blurry voices out there. In some cases, voicemails.
It took me a couple reads, but I eventually understood that. I couldn't help but noticed your friends list seemd a little one-sided. You'll get girls on there easily.
Voice mails. Or Male Voices.