Got an application form today from a company I e-mailed my resume to. They're hiring environmental field chemists. Sounds better than cooking up drugs in a pharma lab. But the application included two little tests. The first one I had to pick T/F responses to a bunch of statements. But I had to pick the answers I would choose, and then I had to pick answers that the "ideal candidate" would choose. What a load of bullshit. The second test had a long list of words, and I had to go through and check off all the ones that expressed what I think society expects from people, and then I had to check off all the words that describe me. I decided to be honest, so the two lists do NOT match up. I wasn't too honest, though.
But what's up with these stupid little tests? I've had to fill them out before. They don't mean anything, they don't let the employer know anything about me. And even if it did, it shouldn't matter whether I view myself as being exactly what society expects. The only things that should matter are whether or not I'm qualified for and can perform the duties required by the job. That's it. And yes, I can. So they should fucking hire me! Even if I didn't pass their stupid test.
And another thing: Why the fuck do the hr people at these companies keep asking me how much I want for a salary? This is not a communist society. My pay rate is not based on how much money I need to survive - the company should not care whether I have no children, or five children and no spouse to help pay the bills. My pay rate should be based on my EXPERIENCE, my QUALIFICATIONS, and how important the job is. Therefore, if the company is looking for a person with a bachelor's degree and 0-2 years experience, they should have a pay bracket (no experience starts out at a lower pay rate than 2 years experience). But they should know what that pay bracket is. So why can't they just say what the fucking pay bracket is, rather than waiting until I apply and then asking me how much I want to make? I will take whatever the fuck you want to pay me! Just give me a job!
But what's up with these stupid little tests? I've had to fill them out before. They don't mean anything, they don't let the employer know anything about me. And even if it did, it shouldn't matter whether I view myself as being exactly what society expects. The only things that should matter are whether or not I'm qualified for and can perform the duties required by the job. That's it. And yes, I can. So they should fucking hire me! Even if I didn't pass their stupid test.

And another thing: Why the fuck do the hr people at these companies keep asking me how much I want for a salary? This is not a communist society. My pay rate is not based on how much money I need to survive - the company should not care whether I have no children, or five children and no spouse to help pay the bills. My pay rate should be based on my EXPERIENCE, my QUALIFICATIONS, and how important the job is. Therefore, if the company is looking for a person with a bachelor's degree and 0-2 years experience, they should have a pay bracket (no experience starts out at a lower pay rate than 2 years experience). But they should know what that pay bracket is. So why can't they just say what the fucking pay bracket is, rather than waiting until I apply and then asking me how much I want to make? I will take whatever the fuck you want to pay me! Just give me a job!
I may be just being paranoid, but it's probably the HR persons little personality test about how confident you are in your abilities and that you think your time and ability are important and worthy enough to hand over to someone else for said price.
I've never had to interview for a real job, yet, so don't take my strategy as gospel.
field work is always more better than inside a lab... even in cold vermont winters...
right now its just been drawn on me so im waiting to see if i still like it and such after its been there awhile
you should check out the rubber ducky in my journal, hes cool