My interview at Target went well, but I'm not going to get the job. The reason I'm not going to get the job is because I refuse to take a drug test. I know I would pass, but that's not the point. I'm not going to piss in a cup so I can make $6.75 working a shitty job from 10pm until 3 or 4am. There is absolutely NO REASON why I should take a drug test to work at a fucking department store. If people in this country weren't so FUCKING PARANOID about drugs, I wouldn't need to.
I really, really hope I get this chem job.
I really, really hope I get this chem job.
good fuckin point!!!
i hate that, even though you have to stand up for what you believe in sometimes you just got to give in to the horrors that is the enemy. i myself hate our president, cant stand the government, and am completly against the war in iraq, but im in the army. so what im tring to say is if you have to get the job do it and express your veiws every chance you get!