Just uploaded pics of my birthday presents from my mom. She said she wasn't going to get me anything, but she lied! Yes! A beautiful bracelet and an awesome tie came in the mail today. My mom rocks. I called her to thank her, and she said that it wasn't supposed to get here until tomorrow (since my bday is Sunday). Now she's a little worried that the other package she sent got lost or something. She mailed some of my stuff I asked for on Monday, and it isn't here yet.... Hopefully it'll come tomorrow. One of my favorite dressed is in there, so I'm going to be pissed if it got lost.
But I got birthday presents! I'm happy. I know, I'm a big fat capitalist pig. So sue me.
But I got birthday presents! I'm happy. I know, I'm a big fat capitalist pig. So sue me.
Happy B-Day!
Happy birthday, wish for that chem job when you blow out the candles, hope the little plan went well last night/ this morning