YES! THE 28TH! I AM GETTING MY ASS OUT OF VERMONT ON THE 28TH! Finally, I have a departure date. I'm going to drive, by myself, to Asheville. With many stops on the way. Probably a motel somewhere in Pennsylvania, then my grandmother's in D.C., then Blacksburg, VA where I used to live, then Asheville! Of course, things could change drastically, but there is absolutely no reason (as of right now) why I can't leave on the 28th. I have said it, it will be. It will, I say! Now I just have to figure out how much of my stuff I can cram into my tiny little car.... And the plants. Should I take my plants? If I leave them here, my mom will probably "forget" to water them. I can take a few of them with me (last count I had 23, but that includes the two trees which DEFINITELY won't fit in my car), but I'd have to take them into wherever I'm staying so they won't freeze. That's doable.