This year is full of ups and downs so far.
First the ups, I started a second job at a local outdoor sports store. I am not in the area that I wanted to be in but it is still a fun job. Hopefully I will be moving to the hunting department soon. With the new job, I am making a lot of new contacts for my tactical gear business. They even let me sell my products while I'm working as long as they don't carry the item. I bought a new car which I love so far. It is a 2012 black granite metallic AWD Chevy Equinox.

Now for the downs, my grandmother passed away on February 20th. She was 98 and had lived a very full life. She was laid to rest on the same day that my grandfather passed away 26 years earlier. They overcame a lot in their lives together. They survived the Nazi prison and POW camps in Poland, immigrated to the United States after WWII, and raised 7 children on one income.

I just found out yesterday the my father's youngest sister has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. It started out in her pancreus and has spread to her liver and lymph nodes. The doctors have given her 6 months to a year to live.
I wonder what else this year has in store for me.
First the ups, I started a second job at a local outdoor sports store. I am not in the area that I wanted to be in but it is still a fun job. Hopefully I will be moving to the hunting department soon. With the new job, I am making a lot of new contacts for my tactical gear business. They even let me sell my products while I'm working as long as they don't carry the item. I bought a new car which I love so far. It is a 2012 black granite metallic AWD Chevy Equinox.

Now for the downs, my grandmother passed away on February 20th. She was 98 and had lived a very full life. She was laid to rest on the same day that my grandfather passed away 26 years earlier. They overcame a lot in their lives together. They survived the Nazi prison and POW camps in Poland, immigrated to the United States after WWII, and raised 7 children on one income.

I just found out yesterday the my father's youngest sister has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. It started out in her pancreus and has spread to her liver and lymph nodes. The doctors have given her 6 months to a year to live.
I wonder what else this year has in store for me.