Awake and feeling better. The kids from Good Morning Valentine and Rare Birds rocked the house (or the M-Room as it were) on Thursday and everyone ended up at my place partying until last night. I got a bit ill (ok a lot) and fell asleep around 6 and slept straight through the night until this morning. Good times all around though. Always fun when... Read More
how did ur night go'm so hungover.........and i have compleatly slept the whole day away.........<3 i'm very glad the link i can listen to ur awesome music
Thursday = good day. An old friend of mine is driving in from Ohio with his band tonight - they are super cool cats that rock some awesome Alt/Country/FolkRock.
as the weekend winds down - i'm left here wondering -
why to so many desires that I could never put them in order of importance -
why to so many questions that in the end the answers all become irrelevant -
when the world around me was rebooted - who decided what path I was to follow
i feel as though I haven't made... Read More
What a night. I am going through a divorce and every once in a while (like tonight) I need to freak the f out - have a good cry - and then get drunk and bury all the pain. sucks to have the person that you love more than anything in the world leave you - especially when she left you because you put your... Read More