So its monday again its raining out and i wish i had a good book to read oh wait i just might i forgot i borrowed Count of Monte Cristo well not that i have time to be reading cause i should be looking for a second job or a new job or something that will make me more money cause im i have tons of homework i didnt do over spring break so i think i maybe skipping class to do the many chapters of my workbook i should have done this past week. i just wish i felt a little less depressed so that i could get these thing done i hate feeling this way so lazy and hopeless i get this sinking feeling that im noting but i giant failure (which in part maybe true) i know it will pass and in a few day time i will prob forget about feeling this way but when i do life just feels so pointless. someday i wish i still had the anger and frustration i had when i was younger and i could just take a blade to my skin watch my self bleed or carve words im myself and feel that kinda hi and then get on with my life instead of just sulking day after day waiting for this heavy feeling to go away.
Your loving,
Sarah Marie
Your loving,
Sarah Marie
Here, Im here, let's get....
Gotta get u smiling and full of.....