1- do you like blue cheese? It's okay. I'll eat it but I do not go out of my way to.
2- coke or Pepsi? Either is fine.
3- do you own a gun? I own 2.
4- what flavor Kool-Aid? Red
5- what do you think of hot dogs? All beef (Nathans, Hebrew National) are excellent. The weird pork ones are gross.
6- favorite TV show? Way too many to list... But, Arrested Development, New Girl, Delocated, Vikings, and Rescue Me for starters.
7- favorite movie? Another tough one... but I love Amelie
8- what do you drink in the morning? Coffee.
9- can you do push-up? I can
10- favorite jewelry on me? Not sure I have one. I have a few neat pocket watches, but I never wear them.
11- favorite hobbies? Video games, board games, and reading
12- do you have ADHD? Nope
13- do you wear glasses? Nope
14- favorite cartoon character? I always thought Darkwing Duck was awesome.
15- 3 things that I did today. Yelled at other drivers, yelled at video games, bought a curved monitor.
16- 3 things that you drink regularly? Overwatch, Podcast, Work
17- current dislike? Overwatch
18- favorite place to go? I really wish I had an answer to this.
19- how did you bring in the New Year? I usually watch movies and go to bed around 10:30... #Lame
20- where would you like to go? Everywhere, but first I think Paris to visit the Louvre
21- name 5 people who ( you hope ) will do this? I do not really talk to people on here yet so go nuts everyone!
22- favorite color? Depends on what it is for. Lately I have been partial to Pink...
23-do you like sleeping on satin sheets? I just like sleeping in general.
24- can whistle? Regularly, yes. The really loud kind, nope. Not for lack of trying though. I have even watch ed YouTube videos but I just wound up spitting on my screen.
25- what are you doing right now? Answering questions, listening to Chris Staples, and waiting for a different computer to finish updating.
26- would you be a pirate? Yarrrr
27- favorite food? Depends on my mood. Either Mexican or Italian.
28- last thing that made you laugh? How I Met Your Mother
29- last time that you received flowers? Hmmm....Probably 20 years ago
30- most recent injury? I sliced my finger while peeling sweet potatoes the other day.
31- how many pets are in your house? None. I had to put my doggo down the day after New Years. Still not over it.
32- worst pain ever? Losing my Father
33- do you like to dance? Only in private.
34- are your parents alive? My mother is. My father passed away a week before Christmas 2013
35- do you love your life? Not particularly. Some days are fine though.
36- summer or winter? Fall
37- how many grandchildren do you have? None.
38- car or van? Car.
39- people person? In some situations I can be. I am very trusting but I also stay pretty guarded.
40- what do you think happens to us when we die? The same thing that happened before you were born. #Nothing
My puppers!! #Sugar