So, I've decided to take a bit more time to myself and start blogging on here. It's not that I have anything particularly great or interesting to say, it's just that there seem to some really nice people on here and I want a little of that in my life.
I guess I need start by saying why I joined SG. As incredibly unbelievable as it is, it wasn't for the "naked chicks" as someone once put it to me. I like to think of myself as creative in one way or another and the people on here are like living and breathing works of art. The tattoos and style I've seen from people on here is breathtaking, both female and male.
I haven't been tremendously vocal with anyone on here except one person but from afar I have enjoyed reading about others happiness, struggles, pain and wisdom. There truly is an amazing amount of people on here that you don't seem to be able to meet on a daily basis. The kind of people I would love to know but don't perhaps get the chance to be in contact with.
Whilst not entirely sure what one is to write in a blog having never done it before, should I just update on what I've been doing? I know what I enjoy reading from others but what would be interesting to me might not be what anyone else cares for? I'll just educate on what I've been up to and why and see if anyone, here goes.
I'm a photographer. The amount of people I have heard say this is incredible. I'm a bit lost in it all as I don't really know what a photographer is these days. Most of the people that I hear say this simply have an instagram account or an Argos SLR and use set filters on the various photoshop software there is out there. I am however in no way an elitist. I, myself use some reasonably cheap equipment and don't always know the "proper" way to do things. I've just heard so many stories about people, usually male, that call themselves a photographer just to take pictures of naked girls that they would otherwise never see naked. Perhaps that's true, perhaps not. I just can't help thinking it gives the male photographer a bad name. There's nothing worse than when I see truly awful photos of half naked girls taken by some creep that has no doubt taken money from the naive girl and given her the false hope that she can be a "model", another title I'm not really sure what the meaning of is.
That entire paragraph has probably seemed a little pessimistic but I'm simply thinking out loud. It's not even necessarily my view.
Put simply, I think too much.
Moving on, I'm currently working on building a new website that I hope I can launch shortly. I've had some really good jobs recently that I'm hoping feeds into new work. I've just done a promotion job with a new band and they're no all over the place on national TV which is very exciting.
I'll share a couple of photos I have recently shot. They aren't SG photos by any means and I'm not sure anyone would even care for them here but I'll share regardless. There are some of you I would love to work with in the future, we just might leave the clothes on.
Peace and love bitches.