so i have a new job. it's extremely part time so it shouldn't cut into my schoolin'
today was the last day of school, i miss it already
my first pet was a rat... i still have a scar on my right hand where he bit me so deeply, i could see the fatty flesh chunks. i loved that little 'junior'. my sister and i used to feed him our leftovers...one day we gave him spaghetti and he died because rats can't fart, and the noodles bloated him up til his system ceased. frown
Last day forever? Or just winter holidays?

I'm conflicted about the end of school. I think that means I'm supposed to do something afterwards.
went to see ISIS they rocked.
check it out if you like heavy atmospheric shit.
hey mister,
you going to the sgvan party?
his band is called Paper Lanterns.
I am totally digging your artwork.
oh shit! that kids face is fuuuny... ahhh.
ok, who do i think will win? i kind of want eva to win... i think she's super sexy. i also think the redhead is real cute. the crazy one who claims she's going blind will probably win though...
i just went to a club for the first time in a long time and it reinforced why i haven't been to one in such a long time.
thanks smile

I haven't been to a club since forever.
Halloween is my favorite holiday, better than christmas, better than new years, better than all the holidays combine.
My favorite holiday as well! I had a good one, hope you did as well, man. smile