When I got up from sleep this morning I noticed two things. One, that the pitter patter of rain from the other side of the window pane was heavier than just the regular, simple pitter patter I was used to. And two, the smoke detector was going off. It sounded a lot like a police siren. It was so loud, in fact, that it was some marvel that Id even heard the rain over it. I guess the intervals between howls were sufficient enough to let other noises slip through the cracks.
I pitched my shoe at the smoke detector and it cracked the white plastic shell off, loosening the screws, and the whole thing fell right out of the ceiling. The wailing cry of the alarm (thats really what it was) warbled out with a pathetic, watery fade as the system swung listlessly from the cable still grasping the inside of the ceiling.
There was no smoke in the room, and I couldnt smell burning. Probably someone out in the livingroom had lit a cigarette, thats all. I dont like cigarettes in my apartment, though. That shit isnt funny or cute or clever or necessary.
When I finally got to my feet, I walked over to the window and lifted the shade. Yep, it was pouring outside. There were spiders all over the window, so to get a more detailed view of the downpour I had to wipe a path into the window with my arm. All the spiders that didnt fall to the sill or stick to my arm all scampered about like dangerous looking, many-legged lightning bolts, furiously bolting this way and that, going nowhere. Turning around to go the other way, going nowhere.
Some of the spiders on my arm were crawling into my shirt, while others stayed put, seemingly content with just biting me. I cleaned them all off with a damp washcloth from the bathroom and threw the washcloth into the bathtub. Spiders urgently darted off in all kinds of different directions. Much like the ones at the window, these ones werent going anywhere either.
They just climbed the walls of the bathtub and fell helplessly down to the canyon floor again, failures all.
So I guess Januarys ending, huh?
Whats next? February? Theres never any surprise with months. Each day is a new one, sure, and thats great, but why does everything always get bunched up into sections and numbers?
I wish it were March. They have really odd looking turtles in March down by the highway by the sea.
I pitched my shoe at the smoke detector and it cracked the white plastic shell off, loosening the screws, and the whole thing fell right out of the ceiling. The wailing cry of the alarm (thats really what it was) warbled out with a pathetic, watery fade as the system swung listlessly from the cable still grasping the inside of the ceiling.
There was no smoke in the room, and I couldnt smell burning. Probably someone out in the livingroom had lit a cigarette, thats all. I dont like cigarettes in my apartment, though. That shit isnt funny or cute or clever or necessary.
When I finally got to my feet, I walked over to the window and lifted the shade. Yep, it was pouring outside. There were spiders all over the window, so to get a more detailed view of the downpour I had to wipe a path into the window with my arm. All the spiders that didnt fall to the sill or stick to my arm all scampered about like dangerous looking, many-legged lightning bolts, furiously bolting this way and that, going nowhere. Turning around to go the other way, going nowhere.
Some of the spiders on my arm were crawling into my shirt, while others stayed put, seemingly content with just biting me. I cleaned them all off with a damp washcloth from the bathroom and threw the washcloth into the bathtub. Spiders urgently darted off in all kinds of different directions. Much like the ones at the window, these ones werent going anywhere either.
They just climbed the walls of the bathtub and fell helplessly down to the canyon floor again, failures all.
So I guess Januarys ending, huh?
Whats next? February? Theres never any surprise with months. Each day is a new one, sure, and thats great, but why does everything always get bunched up into sections and numbers?
I wish it were March. They have really odd looking turtles in March down by the highway by the sea.
muffin isent alot of people.
shera says you can call anytime you like.