gotta love friday..
off of work. messing around. i could really give a fuck if i do anything but lay in my bed all weekend. i feel amazing. i feel like leaving the world behind and jumping off the edge. i thought about going on a road trip this weekend. a no map road trip. just start driving. see where i end up. im sure i could make it up to oregon and back. maybe just go to yosemite for a couple hours and come back. im in one of those moods that i could drive for hours listening to loud music and not think of anything. i love it.
ive been thinking a lot about my life. the entire picture. i find myself helping out others more than i help myself. i dont have an ego. i dont demand to be the center of attention. i dont ask for much from anyone friend or interest. im actually a pretty simple person. i think people feed off of me. all my nice gestures and thoughts are unanswered. not that i necessarily need an answer. ive always thought you give gifts or say things not because you expect something in return but because you want to, because its what you feel like doing. i dont think ill ever change that about myself and dont regret the choices i have made, but maybe i step a little past the line. maybe i go to far. who knows. im tired of feeling like i give 200 percent and get nothing back. guess i need some new people in my life. im taking applications.
peaches new album is fuckin rad. for some reason when girls talk about crazy shit in songs, it completely amuses me. not to mention that song about two boys for every girl. haha now not really my kind of song,but hell that was a good fuckin idea. i think im going to upload some songs. i dont know if anyone listens to them. (i have in the past) let me know if you like anything, for my few sleepallday friends
It's Begininning To Get To Me
Time To Talk
Been Here All Along
Set The Fire
im going to go make dinner. hope everyone has a good friday. much love <3
did this too.

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off of work. messing around. i could really give a fuck if i do anything but lay in my bed all weekend. i feel amazing. i feel like leaving the world behind and jumping off the edge. i thought about going on a road trip this weekend. a no map road trip. just start driving. see where i end up. im sure i could make it up to oregon and back. maybe just go to yosemite for a couple hours and come back. im in one of those moods that i could drive for hours listening to loud music and not think of anything. i love it.
ive been thinking a lot about my life. the entire picture. i find myself helping out others more than i help myself. i dont have an ego. i dont demand to be the center of attention. i dont ask for much from anyone friend or interest. im actually a pretty simple person. i think people feed off of me. all my nice gestures and thoughts are unanswered. not that i necessarily need an answer. ive always thought you give gifts or say things not because you expect something in return but because you want to, because its what you feel like doing. i dont think ill ever change that about myself and dont regret the choices i have made, but maybe i step a little past the line. maybe i go to far. who knows. im tired of feeling like i give 200 percent and get nothing back. guess i need some new people in my life. im taking applications.
peaches new album is fuckin rad. for some reason when girls talk about crazy shit in songs, it completely amuses me. not to mention that song about two boys for every girl. haha now not really my kind of song,but hell that was a good fuckin idea. i think im going to upload some songs. i dont know if anyone listens to them. (i have in the past) let me know if you like anything, for my few sleepallday friends

It's Begininning To Get To Me
Time To Talk
Been Here All Along
Set The Fire
im going to go make dinner. hope everyone has a good friday. much love <3
did this too.

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camilla: are you baby?

Where do I fill out that application???