thursday. soooo glad. means the weekend is almost here. been pretty busy with work. designing like woah. tuesday was almost a meltdown for my boss, didnt seem that busy to me. i only really freak out when someone says something is due the next day and i have to do some heavy designing. still its not really that bad.
thought id go to vegas this weekend, but guess that wont happen. feeling sort of lazy. besides im going to la the in two weeks then edc, then back to atlanta. sooo thats enough traveling. i might be glad i didnt go half way through july.
hope everyones doing alright, all the best, <3 chris
thought id go to vegas this weekend, but guess that wont happen. feeling sort of lazy. besides im going to la the in two weeks then edc, then back to atlanta. sooo thats enough traveling. i might be glad i didnt go half way through july.
hope everyones doing alright, all the best, <3 chris
thats horrible.
aww no vegas too. shit.
well but fuck go on those trips and enjoy and be safe man
im well as can be man yup haha.
<3 chris