Yesterday was whacked.
I got to work and found out that my friend and co-worker (and an ex of my ex, nonetheless!) had witnessed a hit and run right outside of the building. The details are a bit sketchy to me, but basically a girl was crossing the street and was hit at high-speed by a car. The girl flew into the air and landed underneath a huge truck, which had luckily stopped on time. The car that hit her? GONE!
There was still blood all over the road when I arrived at work. Melissa was crying. What a fucking world we live in. I hope they find the fucker that hit that girl. More importantly, I hope she is okay. It's weird how something like that can happen...Something that doesn't concern you in the least, but that it still upsets you so much.
Then I got home and was forced to socialize. If you know me, you know I greatly dislike talking. I talk all day at work. When I'm home, I'm done. Yes, i go out drinking...but when I'm drunk, everything is a slight bit more bearable.
All i really want to do lately is hole myself up in my room, listen to the sweet apocolypitc sounds of Sleepytime Gorilla Museum, and make things with my bones. No, no! Not MY bones. That would be weird. With the bones of dead animals. Duh. But, see, last night I had to meet with a new potential roommate. Which meant I also had to hang out with 2 of my usual roomies, as well as the new girl. And I kept trying to excuse myself, but was getting hostile looks from my roommate Casey, as if he expected me to stay around the whole time. Don't people know that I don't give a shit?! Seriously! If you are to learn ANYTHING about me, you must learn that I really don't care. About anything.
And SHIT. I have so much to do this weekend, and it truly sucks. Tonight I am going to see Sonic Youth with my co-worker, whom I dated for a short period of time. And I'm sure he still likes me, so it will be akward. Not for me, but for him. Because right now I'm not in the mood to deal with any kind of relationship. It's likely that I'll have to stay at his apartment in San Francisco, because the show will probably go on until after BART closes. So I'll have to artfully avoid weirdness overnight. Then I have a birthday party tomorrow night, which I'm expecting to be okay. It's a co-worker function, and all my co-workers are weed smoking hippies, which bothers me. But I'm going with an equally un-hippie friend, so I will have someone on my side.
Sunday...hmmm, Sunday has potential to kick ass. I'm going to a BBQ with my friend Jai Young, who is an all-around rockin' individual, who seems to hang out with equally awesome people.
September is coming up real quickly! In September I'm moving...Somewhere. I dunno where. God, I hope I don't become one of those squatters you see on Telegraph Ave or Haight St, begging for change and reeking of poop. Well, I'm already halfway there...
I got to work and found out that my friend and co-worker (and an ex of my ex, nonetheless!) had witnessed a hit and run right outside of the building. The details are a bit sketchy to me, but basically a girl was crossing the street and was hit at high-speed by a car. The girl flew into the air and landed underneath a huge truck, which had luckily stopped on time. The car that hit her? GONE!
There was still blood all over the road when I arrived at work. Melissa was crying. What a fucking world we live in. I hope they find the fucker that hit that girl. More importantly, I hope she is okay. It's weird how something like that can happen...Something that doesn't concern you in the least, but that it still upsets you so much.
Then I got home and was forced to socialize. If you know me, you know I greatly dislike talking. I talk all day at work. When I'm home, I'm done. Yes, i go out drinking...but when I'm drunk, everything is a slight bit more bearable.
All i really want to do lately is hole myself up in my room, listen to the sweet apocolypitc sounds of Sleepytime Gorilla Museum, and make things with my bones. No, no! Not MY bones. That would be weird. With the bones of dead animals. Duh. But, see, last night I had to meet with a new potential roommate. Which meant I also had to hang out with 2 of my usual roomies, as well as the new girl. And I kept trying to excuse myself, but was getting hostile looks from my roommate Casey, as if he expected me to stay around the whole time. Don't people know that I don't give a shit?! Seriously! If you are to learn ANYTHING about me, you must learn that I really don't care. About anything.
And SHIT. I have so much to do this weekend, and it truly sucks. Tonight I am going to see Sonic Youth with my co-worker, whom I dated for a short period of time. And I'm sure he still likes me, so it will be akward. Not for me, but for him. Because right now I'm not in the mood to deal with any kind of relationship. It's likely that I'll have to stay at his apartment in San Francisco, because the show will probably go on until after BART closes. So I'll have to artfully avoid weirdness overnight. Then I have a birthday party tomorrow night, which I'm expecting to be okay. It's a co-worker function, and all my co-workers are weed smoking hippies, which bothers me. But I'm going with an equally un-hippie friend, so I will have someone on my side.
Sunday...hmmm, Sunday has potential to kick ass. I'm going to a BBQ with my friend Jai Young, who is an all-around rockin' individual, who seems to hang out with equally awesome people.
September is coming up real quickly! In September I'm moving...Somewhere. I dunno where. God, I hope I don't become one of those squatters you see on Telegraph Ave or Haight St, begging for change and reeking of poop. Well, I'm already halfway there...

unbeknownst to me, even tonight (not including free drinks), drinks were stupid cheap too. my usual drink is an anchor steam which goes from anywhere from $4 - $6 at any bar. tonight they were $2 a pop! the bartender tried to explain to me what the deal was, but it was too loud and i was too drunk to figure out what he was trying to say. but seriously, i need to go out to the bars more on monday and tuesdays.
but right now i just need sleep. night.