After nine years working at the same place, I quit my job. Just like that, poof!
The thing is that the week and a half I spent in San Francisco was – what a surprise – life changing. In my entire life I was skeptical that a trip could change someone until now that, well, I am that someone.
When it comes to my job...
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I'm visiting San Francisco in a couple of weeks and I'm staying for ten days, I'm fucking excited! Will someone suggest something cool to do there? Oh, and if someone knows a retro video game store, please tell me where it's at.
Wow, this is probably not the best place to say this, but isn't Bayonetta too sexist? I've played both games on the past three weeks or so, and loved the gameplay (it's super easy to play and super fun to do combos), but all the gratuitous nudity, dancing and dirty talking in the game make absolutely no sense to me. Sure, Bayonetta can be a
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I've been playing Alien: Isolation on my PS4 recently and this is an amazing stealth game, one of the best I've ever played, alongside Last of Us. It's all quiet and dark, with some noises coming from the ceiling, from the floor, everybody is trying to kill you, etc. I'm loving this game, but guys, it is going to give me a heart attack, OMG!
This past saturday my friends and I arranged a craft fair, on which we put our home-brew beer on sale. It was a fortunate endeavour, we almost sold out the beer – we brought 120+ bottles and ended the fair with only 8 bottles. Oh my god!
We had dubbel, tripel, quadruppel, IPA brewed with star fruit and barleywine. People loved the IPA and I
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Can't wait for vacation! Only one and a half weeks to go...
Today I drank the last bottle of the first batch of stout my friends and I brewed, back in late 2013. I posted about this same stout on February, and today I drank it so I could know if the aging resulted something.
The beer produces a subtle scent, dark-beige foam that fades quickly but sticks to the glass. The taste isn't as strong and
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Today I bought a PS4, and I'm downloading the remastered version of The Last of Us right now – this is certainly the best game on PS3 and I hope the remastered version is worth the money.