put christmas lights up today. actually my bro-in-law put them up. i dont like the heights thing and sure the hell wasnt gonna break my neck climbing on the roof.
same bro-in-law gave me a couple dvds today. got to love the free porn
still havent got my truck out of the shop. just dont have an extra $1400 layin around. if you all happen to have a dollar or hundred layin around dont forget my poor lonely pickc up just waitin for me to rescue her
i just saw this on livingdeadgrrls journal though tit was funny as hell
same bro-in-law gave me a couple dvds today. got to love the free porn

still havent got my truck out of the shop. just dont have an extra $1400 layin around. if you all happen to have a dollar or hundred layin around dont forget my poor lonely pickc up just waitin for me to rescue her

i just saw this on livingdeadgrrls journal though tit was funny as hell

[Edited on Nov 22, 2004 7:13PM]