i got more responses then i thought i would about the dude molesting his kids and dog. i just wanted to respond a little more in depth why i said the fucker should die.
i know he wont get the death penalty due to his crime. in washington state nd i believe all other states you must be convicted of murder 1 and then only if the prosacuter goes for the death penality.
working in the washington prison system for 8 years ive seen what happens to these people. when he gets to walla walla first thing hes going to do is check in ( say he cant live in general population and requist protective custody) due to his crime. then he is going to get a one man cell instead of 4 so he most likely wont get what he gave in the streets.
ive worked in the above mentioned unit.
once i was shown some kiddie porn that was found in an inmates cell. i hope none of you ever see such stuff. i could not sleep that night. and i was not in the least bit bothered when the inmate hung himself.
i know alot of you dont believe in the death penalty and i respect that. but i also believe that the world woud be a better place if this sick fuck would just tie his jail jump suit around his neck and then to his bunk and and jump.
im sorry this is such a long journal. probally the longest ive ever written.
so any who how the hell is everybody
i know he wont get the death penalty due to his crime. in washington state nd i believe all other states you must be convicted of murder 1 and then only if the prosacuter goes for the death penality.
working in the washington prison system for 8 years ive seen what happens to these people. when he gets to walla walla first thing hes going to do is check in ( say he cant live in general population and requist protective custody) due to his crime. then he is going to get a one man cell instead of 4 so he most likely wont get what he gave in the streets.
ive worked in the above mentioned unit.
once i was shown some kiddie porn that was found in an inmates cell. i hope none of you ever see such stuff. i could not sleep that night. and i was not in the least bit bothered when the inmate hung himself.
i know alot of you dont believe in the death penalty and i respect that. but i also believe that the world woud be a better place if this sick fuck would just tie his jail jump suit around his neck and then to his bunk and and jump.
im sorry this is such a long journal. probally the longest ive ever written.
so any who how the hell is everybody

A friend of mine works at a photo lab and came across some child porn. She handled it pretrty well. I could never handle seeing something like that.
Yup thats the stuff, really sweet bloody mary's!! it was so nice to have it at home!