just got home from seattle. my ass is numb from sitting in the car
it was fun. less stress this time than others since we didnt drive at all after we arrived at the hotel. if we couldnt walk we didnt need to go. the hotel was right downtown so we were able to walk to the seattle center and then down to the pier for dinner last night. saw a couple bums arguring over who was a crack head and then when one would get pissed he waold start yelling for the police
then today after my appoinment we walked down to pikes street and looked around the market for a bit.
we were going to have dinner in the space needle but i was informed that my shorts and t-shirt did not meet theire dress code. i didnt want to go after i saw the prices anyway. 50 dollars for a steak ummmmmmm no
its good to be home though. i missed my kids, my bed and my bathroom
i found out today that a buddy of mine had his humvee bombed in iraq and blew off his bicep
it was fun. less stress this time than others since we didnt drive at all after we arrived at the hotel. if we couldnt walk we didnt need to go. the hotel was right downtown so we were able to walk to the seattle center and then down to the pier for dinner last night. saw a couple bums arguring over who was a crack head and then when one would get pissed he waold start yelling for the police
then today after my appoinment we walked down to pikes street and looked around the market for a bit.
we were going to have dinner in the space needle but i was informed that my shorts and t-shirt did not meet theire dress code. i didnt want to go after i saw the prices anyway. 50 dollars for a steak ummmmmmm no
its good to be home though. i missed my kids, my bed and my bathroom
i found out today that a buddy of mine had his humvee bombed in iraq and blew off his bicep
welcome back home
hahaha crackhead bums...that's hilarious. We had this one bag lady come eat @ the restaurant i work at and she ordered a bad ass meal with desert and then when they presented the check she told them she didn't have any money...my manager was PISSED!!!!!!!!! it was crazy though...cause it was totally obvious that she was homeless yet they still let her order this four course meal...haha