hell of a storm just passed. leaves, branches and whatnot all over the fucking place. so tomorrow i get t oclean it all up
since we are hosting a baby shower thur, a bbq for my wifes uncle and some of his buddys on there way to sturgis from seattle friday and a b-day brunch for my father in law sunday. but wait there is also a b-day party and a wedding saturday just not at my house
my toe is healing. doesnt hurt as bad but my wife about threw up when she saw it. she said it was a lot worse then she expected.
i took a 4 hour nap today
damn i needed it.
thats about all for now.
how was everbodys weekend?

my toe is healing. doesnt hurt as bad but my wife about threw up when she saw it. she said it was a lot worse then she expected.
i took a 4 hour nap today

thats about all for now.
how was everbodys weekend?
ps hope the toy get better!