were having the neighbor and her 2 daughters over for pizza tonight, its her birthday. her husband was killed in a plane crash in december and since then we have kinda adopted her and the kids. we invite them to all the family functions and what not that we have here.
i watched hellboy this morning. damn good movie
i watched hellboy this morning. damn good movie

i think i will add that one.. and the original Manchurian Candidate. that is nice of you to do, bring a family into your lives. People like us need people like you.. or we do not have good holidays.
I'm already enjoying my new crib! I have about 25 boxes for decorations and 10 boxes of clothes left to upack. About 5 boxes of the clothes are labled "ebay".... shit I do not wear anymore. I'm waiting on my free 27" TV I got for signing a 1 yr lease. A computer desk and a couch will be given to me soon I hope.