so anyway check this out. i get home from work (yes i finally returned to work yesterday) and made dinner. while im cooking im also cleaning by trying to put the used stuff that im done with in the dishwasher. after dinner my wife says dont worry about the kitchen she will clean it. cool right ? no her idea of cleaning it was to put the 5 plates that were used in the dishwasher and leave the shit from the plates in the sink and flower and whatnot all over the counters. WHAT THE FUCK?
IF YOURE NOT GONNA DO IT DONT SAY THAT YOU WILL. one thing i fucking hate is a dirty fucking kitchen.
so ya i returned to work yesterday
they have had me filling papers for the last two days. and they are saying that i have to wear my uniform. why do i have to fucking wear my uniform to file papers? i need to get off this "light duty" shit and get back on the "breezway" or im going to fucking lose it.
well that was a lot of bitching for one day. and probally no one will read the hole thing but oh well life goes on and yadda yadda fuckin yadda.

so ya i returned to work yesterday

well that was a lot of bitching for one day. and probally no one will read the hole thing but oh well life goes on and yadda yadda fuckin yadda.

dirty kitchens gross me out... all i think about is contamination!!! aaahh!