Back from holiday. Queensland rocked. Above is a picture of the view from our hotel room balcony down to one of our three pools! Classiest place I have ever stayed for sure. Had an excellent time, went to all the theme parks, teased Teagan about being scared of flying, went on heaps of rides and crazy roller coasters and stuff, ate lots of food, watched heaps of cable tv, watched animals do stupid stuff, went on heaps of massive waterslides, watched a parade, drank beer and bourbon and watermelon boost juice, played video games at timezone, won my first ever stuffed toy from a skill tester machine for Teagan (It was a Hamburger!?!?!?). She survived all week without the Internet which was hella cool

Pretty much had an awesome time and am looking forward to more holidays soon hopefully

I had an awesome time. Love you times fifty billion.
glad you enjoyed the trip away, now to drag you and StarCandy out to one of our hookups..