Well, seeing that New Year's is coming up, a post on another site I belong to got me thinking about the Best and Worst crap this past year....
- Two of my friends from work got married in July, and now they have a baby boy born in October.
- Two of my high school friends (still friends 10 years strong now) got married in October.
- Finding out the secret in life: Birthdays are just another excuse to party your arse off and not remember last night. I turned 27 on Dec. 5th and I didn't do a lot of partying, but it's amazing what you can drink in an hour when you originally wanted 5 hours of drinking!
- Finding out the second secret in life: Weddings are really just another excuse to get absolutely hammered, not remember anything you did that night, and still live to tell about it without touching car keys!
- I got built my own computer system this past weekend, now I can play Doom 3 without having a nasty delay between when I hit the fire button and when the gun actually goes off! Thought I had a 2 hour delay gun for a second there!
- I have been gaining valueable experience at work as a store PC technician for customers (really been for 3 years, but this year they've been really pushing the program).
- I put on some muscle.
- I stopped caring at my full-time job. Well, not exactly, but instead of stressing out about not getting work done and adding more work and stress to myself, I decided to take the "One thing at a time, it'll get done when it's done" approach. "Not my problem" has become a very popular part of my vocabulary. I've even learned how to say "NO"!
- Grandfather going into the hospital July 4th. He's fine now, but I had to pass up my only annual weekend getaway to the thousand islands.
- My dad went on disability leave from work because of his back. He had surgery for a herniated disc in his back. During this time they found out he also had a seriously pinched nerve and severe arthritis. After the healing process, they also discovered that he has severe arthritis in one of his knees. He has been out of work for almost 6 months now. He was a pipefitter (pc word for PLUMBER). He will never be able to perform his job again. Luckily, his company is offering a buyout, and he's going to take it.
- I took on a second job in September thinking that it would help me out. It did for a month or so, and then I started hating the job, and spending more money. I ended up quitting last week.
- As a result of taking on said job, I have not worked out in 6 months. I have also reverted back to horrendous eating habits (one meal a day consisting of fast food), and I have started smoking again, up to a pack a day again.
- Also as a result of this job, I alienated friends and now have to try to rebuild these relationships.
- I got the crappiest raise from my company that I have ever seen, and have been fed BS from the start.
- I have a new supervisor in my department, and he's the idiot that everyone hates. There's a reason why we call him "Supreme Commander" or "Supremo" for short. Of course, now that he's on my side, he expects me to run the show and he can sit around and do nothing. Or he'll do everything himself and let us decide what we want to do. He's the supervisor, if he doesn't at least communicate what he wants done, then I don't do anything. Plain and simple. (Note to self, if you ever take steroids, just remember this idiots bald spot. He's 24 and is bald in the back of his head. He's also dumb as a rock. He once told a customer that there was no way that they could network a printer to more than one computer and that it was not possible to rip a cd and make mp3s for storage. And, it's not about customer service to him, it's about sales and numbers.)
- Still no love in my life for the gazillionith year in a row.
- My truck is falling apart at the seams. It now snows inside of my truck with the windows closed. And I still have 2 years left to pay this POS off!
- My joints inmy knees and elbows have been absolutely killing me. A lot of it seems to match when the weather is going to be/is nasty.
God, it seemed like last year went so much better than this year because I made so much progress last year health wise. I took 3 steps ahead last year, this year I took 10 steps behind.
Hopefully next year will be better. I am going to make my very first INTENTIONAL resolution for next year. That's to get in better health, only I'm doing it slower than the first time I started. I'm going to start working out more, then eat better, and then quit smoking. Probably should be the other way around, but I figure by working out more, it'll relieve stress, which will cause me to smoke less (hopefully). I'm also planning on getting a new job. I've been on fire submitting my resume to companies. This should cut down my stress too. Health is my resolution next year. And getting back into being more active on this site.
If I don't talk to any of ya, Happy New Year! If anyone feels like chatting, I'm always signed on AIM (slayerboyAIM). Usually at my computer during the evenings/late night hours.
So, what is your best and worst crap of the year?
- Two of my friends from work got married in July, and now they have a baby boy born in October.
- Two of my high school friends (still friends 10 years strong now) got married in October.
- Finding out the secret in life: Birthdays are just another excuse to party your arse off and not remember last night. I turned 27 on Dec. 5th and I didn't do a lot of partying, but it's amazing what you can drink in an hour when you originally wanted 5 hours of drinking!
- Finding out the second secret in life: Weddings are really just another excuse to get absolutely hammered, not remember anything you did that night, and still live to tell about it without touching car keys!
- I got built my own computer system this past weekend, now I can play Doom 3 without having a nasty delay between when I hit the fire button and when the gun actually goes off! Thought I had a 2 hour delay gun for a second there!

- I have been gaining valueable experience at work as a store PC technician for customers (really been for 3 years, but this year they've been really pushing the program).
- I put on some muscle.
- I stopped caring at my full-time job. Well, not exactly, but instead of stressing out about not getting work done and adding more work and stress to myself, I decided to take the "One thing at a time, it'll get done when it's done" approach. "Not my problem" has become a very popular part of my vocabulary. I've even learned how to say "NO"!
- Grandfather going into the hospital July 4th. He's fine now, but I had to pass up my only annual weekend getaway to the thousand islands.
- My dad went on disability leave from work because of his back. He had surgery for a herniated disc in his back. During this time they found out he also had a seriously pinched nerve and severe arthritis. After the healing process, they also discovered that he has severe arthritis in one of his knees. He has been out of work for almost 6 months now. He was a pipefitter (pc word for PLUMBER). He will never be able to perform his job again. Luckily, his company is offering a buyout, and he's going to take it.
- I took on a second job in September thinking that it would help me out. It did for a month or so, and then I started hating the job, and spending more money. I ended up quitting last week.
- As a result of taking on said job, I have not worked out in 6 months. I have also reverted back to horrendous eating habits (one meal a day consisting of fast food), and I have started smoking again, up to a pack a day again.
- Also as a result of this job, I alienated friends and now have to try to rebuild these relationships.
- I got the crappiest raise from my company that I have ever seen, and have been fed BS from the start.
- I have a new supervisor in my department, and he's the idiot that everyone hates. There's a reason why we call him "Supreme Commander" or "Supremo" for short. Of course, now that he's on my side, he expects me to run the show and he can sit around and do nothing. Or he'll do everything himself and let us decide what we want to do. He's the supervisor, if he doesn't at least communicate what he wants done, then I don't do anything. Plain and simple. (Note to self, if you ever take steroids, just remember this idiots bald spot. He's 24 and is bald in the back of his head. He's also dumb as a rock. He once told a customer that there was no way that they could network a printer to more than one computer and that it was not possible to rip a cd and make mp3s for storage. And, it's not about customer service to him, it's about sales and numbers.)
- Still no love in my life for the gazillionith year in a row.
- My truck is falling apart at the seams. It now snows inside of my truck with the windows closed. And I still have 2 years left to pay this POS off!
- My joints inmy knees and elbows have been absolutely killing me. A lot of it seems to match when the weather is going to be/is nasty.
God, it seemed like last year went so much better than this year because I made so much progress last year health wise. I took 3 steps ahead last year, this year I took 10 steps behind.
Hopefully next year will be better. I am going to make my very first INTENTIONAL resolution for next year. That's to get in better health, only I'm doing it slower than the first time I started. I'm going to start working out more, then eat better, and then quit smoking. Probably should be the other way around, but I figure by working out more, it'll relieve stress, which will cause me to smoke less (hopefully). I'm also planning on getting a new job. I've been on fire submitting my resume to companies. This should cut down my stress too. Health is my resolution next year. And getting back into being more active on this site.

If I don't talk to any of ya, Happy New Year! If anyone feels like chatting, I'm always signed on AIM (slayerboyAIM). Usually at my computer during the evenings/late night hours.
So, what is your best and worst crap of the year?
wow.. I wish I could write all my crap and goodness from the year.. Maybe I will a bit later.. its alot to think about.. and hey I stole your AIM!!! lol.. so dont be suprised if i hit ya up.. homie 

here's to a fabulous 2005!