I AM NOT DEAD......repeat.....I AM NOT DEAD........
I worked my ass off so much that I proved myself to my temporary employer, that I got a permanent part-time job there. Now I have no free time for myself, but oh well.
My buddy's wedding was this past weekend......lots of fun. errr.....lots of alcohol-induced fun. I haven't had a hangover like that since.....the last wedding I went to. I knew i was in trouble when we stopped after the wedding ceremony and went to Hess (a convience store) and picked up 3 cases of beer. Of which hardly any, if not none, was left after the two hours that 16 of us spent drinking. We then went to the bride's uncle's bar and consumed mass quanitities for about 20 minutes. Then we went to the reception and it was prettymuch all open bar. We were drunk before we even got to the reception hall. Very fun wedding. Although I almost didn't end up with pants for the wedding. I woulda been wearing jeans up there. I'll tell more on that later when I get time.
And as a sad note, after the bachelor party last weekend, one of my old friends offered me a cigarette because he forgot I had quite a year and a half ago. Well. since then I've been sneaking smokes when nobody watches me. I've smoked almost 3 packs in a week.
I almost asked out a girl in the bridal party....then I found out she was 17......10 years younger than me.......D'OH!!!!!!
I worked my ass off so much that I proved myself to my temporary employer, that I got a permanent part-time job there. Now I have no free time for myself, but oh well.
My buddy's wedding was this past weekend......lots of fun. errr.....lots of alcohol-induced fun. I haven't had a hangover like that since.....the last wedding I went to. I knew i was in trouble when we stopped after the wedding ceremony and went to Hess (a convience store) and picked up 3 cases of beer. Of which hardly any, if not none, was left after the two hours that 16 of us spent drinking. We then went to the bride's uncle's bar and consumed mass quanitities for about 20 minutes. Then we went to the reception and it was prettymuch all open bar. We were drunk before we even got to the reception hall. Very fun wedding. Although I almost didn't end up with pants for the wedding. I woulda been wearing jeans up there. I'll tell more on that later when I get time.
And as a sad note, after the bachelor party last weekend, one of my old friends offered me a cigarette because he forgot I had quite a year and a half ago. Well. since then I've been sneaking smokes when nobody watches me. I've smoked almost 3 packs in a week.
I almost asked out a girl in the bridal party....then I found out she was 17......10 years younger than me.......D'OH!!!!!!

Ug! 17 gets you 20...years!