WOOHOO! I'm about to get my extreme dose of metal tonight! Fear Factory, Mastodon, and Sworn Enemy. Waterstreet Music hall. Got a feeling the place is gonna be jumpin.
Yeah, and I forgot that i have to be at work at 7AM tomorrow and that the regional manager for our store is coming to visit...and I have to talk to him about our numbers. BLAHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Yeah, and I forgot that i have to be at work at 7AM tomorrow and that the regional manager for our store is coming to visit...and I have to talk to him about our numbers. BLAHHHHHHHHHHHH!

In response to YOUR question...I can't think of any one album that takes it all away for me. Music, for me, often gets tied to memories of the past... I usually use a particular album when I'm trying to get out of a mood I'm in by remembering another time.