* * * * F R E A K W A R N I N G * * * *
so I got my new hearing aids today. They are digital, as opposed to the analog I had before. The sounds are definitely different with digital. As usual I never read any of the manuals to them. Turns out, everything I was experienceing and thought was wrong, was actually in the manual and was right.
THe weird thing was that, even though it was only 2 days ago that I had analog aids, I don't really remember how bad I couldn't hear in loud environments. The digital ones seem to pick up MORE, but soften a lot of "close" noises that might damage my hearing. I went to a bar tonight with my buddy and it was pretty amazing. I could switch so that my aids only focused on directly in front of me, and it actually made a differene. Even with them on normal mode they sounded better. I could actually understand what my buddy was saying instead of just nodding my head all the time like I know what's going on.
Man...my buddy is weirder than I thought..LOL.
My only concern is concerts. The girl who has been servicing and providing me with new hearing aids told me that they compress the sound, and that they will try and magnify what it can and mcompress wihat it can. I'm wondering if they'll blow up with some of the concerts I go to. I don't think I'll be able to hear without them turned on.
I found out for the first time from her that I actually have a 50% hearing loss in both my ears. Meaning I'm pretty much deaf when I don't have them.
* * * * E N D F R E A K W A R N I N G * * * *
Yeah, so I went out to the bar (six pockets) tonight again. No cops followed me home, but w did see two in front of the place we were going to eat. Luckily they were stopping someone who had robbed the gas station down the street. Yeah I feel safe in my city! wOOt!
Going to a concert tomorrow night to see a guy I work with play.. They're supposed to be pretty good. He hasn't graduated high school yet, and the show is 16 and older. Which scares the absolute fuck out of me. I'm almost 27. I don't want to be hanging out with 16 year olds.
But this one girl who isn't 18 at work that we just hired..yeah..I think she has a crush on me. Ugly old me. She turns 18 in a few months. This is quite sad when I can't get a girl my own age to hit on me. This happend last year too. But it was a customer's daughter. and she was like 17 too. I never saw her again. This girl I have to see everyday I work and she works. Which I won't see her at all next week if things go right. This sucks. This sucks. THis sucks. THIS SUCKS!
so I got my new hearing aids today. They are digital, as opposed to the analog I had before. The sounds are definitely different with digital. As usual I never read any of the manuals to them. Turns out, everything I was experienceing and thought was wrong, was actually in the manual and was right.
THe weird thing was that, even though it was only 2 days ago that I had analog aids, I don't really remember how bad I couldn't hear in loud environments. The digital ones seem to pick up MORE, but soften a lot of "close" noises that might damage my hearing. I went to a bar tonight with my buddy and it was pretty amazing. I could switch so that my aids only focused on directly in front of me, and it actually made a differene. Even with them on normal mode they sounded better. I could actually understand what my buddy was saying instead of just nodding my head all the time like I know what's going on.
Man...my buddy is weirder than I thought..LOL.
My only concern is concerts. The girl who has been servicing and providing me with new hearing aids told me that they compress the sound, and that they will try and magnify what it can and mcompress wihat it can. I'm wondering if they'll blow up with some of the concerts I go to. I don't think I'll be able to hear without them turned on.
I found out for the first time from her that I actually have a 50% hearing loss in both my ears. Meaning I'm pretty much deaf when I don't have them.
* * * * E N D F R E A K W A R N I N G * * * *
Yeah, so I went out to the bar (six pockets) tonight again. No cops followed me home, but w did see two in front of the place we were going to eat. Luckily they were stopping someone who had robbed the gas station down the street. Yeah I feel safe in my city! wOOt!
Going to a concert tomorrow night to see a guy I work with play.. They're supposed to be pretty good. He hasn't graduated high school yet, and the show is 16 and older. Which scares the absolute fuck out of me. I'm almost 27. I don't want to be hanging out with 16 year olds.
But this one girl who isn't 18 at work that we just hired..yeah..I think she has a crush on me. Ugly old me. She turns 18 in a few months. This is quite sad when I can't get a girl my own age to hit on me. This happend last year too. But it was a customer's daughter. and she was like 17 too. I never saw her again. This girl I have to see everyday I work and she works. Which I won't see her at all next week if things go right. This sucks. This sucks. THis sucks. THIS SUCKS!

Is there any way they could make you one set of aids to wear everyday, and then one set specifically designed for shows? Just think, you could tweak out all the highs from the PA's that leave your ears ringing, and focus on the mids and lows...you'd be hearing pure fucking rock and roll!
Don't know what to tell you about the girl situation. such is romance I guess...its never perfect. you know what the law says though...nothing says you can't hang out with this girl, get to know her, have a good time, etc. Keep us posted...
Remember, Rock n' Roll!!
having the ability to literally tune certain people out must be awesome!
yeah, but you don't need hearing aids to do that. It's called selective hearing. Supposedly it's only a guy thing because the women all accuse us of it.
As far as having seperate aids for seperate events. That would be sweet. But I'd be broke. I have to buy new hearing aids every 5-7 years. The analog ones cost around $1000. The digital ones cost anywhere from $3000 - $6000. I have the low end. Healthcare covers none of it. I can't qualify for Social Security and VESID (vocational rehabilitation and disabilty help) because I have a job. If I quit my job it wouldn't help either. I'd have to be fired because of my hearing loss. I suppose I could just not buy hearing aids and loose my job over it. But I'm too much of a workaholic to do that.
although sitting on my ass all day long and doing nothing is tempting.
[Edited on Aug 01, 2004 10:24AM]